The Templar's church of Droiteval is officially attached to the Cistercian Order, and the Cistercians are the predecessors of the Knights Templars; it's a bit funny such a big church in the middle of nowhere. Who was supposed to visit that big church in the middle of a forest in the Middle Ages with no roads, no public transport and no cars? So when you see Cistercians, you know, what they really are, or where they really come from. Today's Freemasons are the political wing of the Military Order of the Knights Templars, who preserve all the occult knowledge of the Templars in their Freemason lodges.
Χρηστος Πριτσαπίδουλας
[image: Μπορεί να είναι εικόνα 3 άτομα και κείμενο]
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