There are flags everywhere, on the buildings (not only in governmental), in the establishments, on the cars and on the buses. In the #Taksim Square, on AKM building (Atatürk Cultural Center) there is Turkish flag and the pictures of #Erdoğan in huge size.ξ
The public transport is free until Saturday in İstanbul to protest against army coup attempt, which used to stop in every First of May and during Gezi Park incidents.
Because the people think that they stopped a coup, and also the Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım stated that, the 15 of July will be feast of democracy (like, on Friday night the blood didn’t spill, like 161 people didn’t lose their lives, and the soldiers who are called “Mehmetçik” around 19-20 years old, only made training for 2-3 months, and only shoot 30-40 bullets maximum during their training, and thought that they were going for practice, didn’t killed by their own people), now the people going out in the street at night and celebrating.
Honking continuously, playing nationalist songs from their cars loudly like Mehter Marşı (Ottoman army march), “Türkiyem” (by Mustafa Yıldızdoğan, supporter of nationalist party MHP), shooting to the air, and some of them making speeches in the squares, later yelling “Allah-u akbar” (The god is big) and the celebration is continuing until 3-4 o’clock at night.
Meanwhile Erdoğan made a speech about Gezi Park-Topçu Kışlası (Taksim Barracks) and he is still insisting on building of the barracks there.
After his speech, The National Turkish Student Unity (#MTTB) set tents to Gezi Park and called people to come to the park with their sajjadas and tents.
ΔΥΠΑ: 17.000 ευρώ για δημιουργία επιχείρησης – Συνεχίζονται οι αιτήσεις –
Ποιοι είναι οι δικαιούχοι
Η ΔΥΠΑ προσφέρει 17.000 ευρώ για τη δημιουργία επιχείρησης από ανέργους
30-59 ετών. Το πρόγραμμα έχει έμφαση στις γυναίκες Μέχρι την Τρίτη 21
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