Τρίτη 4 Νοεμβρίου 2014

You Will Want to Be a Regular at This Adorable Bar. Wait Til You See Why.

You may think the bartenders are cute at your regular watering hole, but this guy definitely has the best servers working for him. Just don't be surprised if your portions are little on the smallish side.
Twitter user Kawanabesatou spends his spare time showing off his adorable pet hamsters in meticulous miniature bar settings. The pint-sized puffs are photographed serving up tiny versions sake, sushi, and extra servings of cuteness. 

Enjoying a snack break.

Enjoying a beer with a tiny friend.

Chilling out in his own little home kitchen.

Prepping some sushi.

Cooking up some yummy noodles.

Order's up!

Restaurant life can be overwhelming.

Taking a break with a magazine.

An excellent selection of sushi.

Some big spenders going for the boatload.

Always nice to have some warm sake at the end of the day.

(via Kotaku.)
These guys deserve every tip in their jar. I'm going to be so disappointed when I hit the bar this weekend and find my normal, boring human barkeep waiting for me. Be sure to follow along onTwitter to keep up with the cuties.

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