The first video below demonstrates what takes place in the Netherlands on a daily basis. But it’s not restricted to the Netherlands. It gives a clear example exactly what is happening all across towns and cities in Europe, and what this Muslim mass immigration has superimposed on society and safety of women and children. This kind of scenes would be very rare only twenty years ago – even rare before women’s lib when women complained of having no rights or equality.
But today, women are not safe anywhere in Europe. And it’s all due to no other reason than mass immigration from male superiority societies where women are hated and considered property and objects. You can visit towns in Spain, France, UK, Germany and see similar aggression taking place right in front of your eyes without having to look or wait for long.
And it’s always – always – acts committed by one of the African or Muslim immigrants.
Κυριάκος Σημίτης
Του Κώστα Βαξεβάνη
Ο πληθωρικός (και εσχάτως και πάλι επίκαιρος) Ευάγγελος Βενιζέλος, µε την
τάση του να πλειοδοτεί σε λέξεις, θέτει απέναντι στα πράγ...
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