Παρασκευή 14 Φεβρουαρίου 2014

Γυναίκα αφαίρεσε με ένα νυστέρι το δέρμα της στο σημείο που είχε ένα τατουάζ με το όνομα του πρώην φίλου της επειδή την εξαπάτησε...Της είπε ότι είχε μεταναστεύσει στην Αλάσκα, αλλά αντ 'αυτού μετακόμισε σε με μια άλλη γυναίκα.Δείτε την και το κατανοούμε πλήρως το παλικάρι.

They say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned - and here's a woman who's taken that fury to a terrifying new level.
When 26-year-old Torz Reynolds found out her boyfriend of two years had been cheating on her she took revenge, in the most gruesome way possible.
Miss Reynolds, from London, had thought Stuart 'Chopper' May broke up with her because he moved to Alaska to take a dream job. She even saw him off, tearfully, at the airport.
But a week later Miss Reynold found out he had instead allegedly moved in with a woman he'd allegedly been having an affair with for six months.
Torz Reynolds took bloody revenge by removing a tattoo of her cheating ex-boyfriend's name with a scalpel. She then sent the severed skin to him by post
Torz Reynolds took bloody revenge by removing a tattoo of her cheating ex-boyfriend's name with a scalpel. She then sent the severed skin to him by post
Miss Reynolds spent an hour and a half carefully slicing the skin around this tattoo from her arm
Miss Reynolds spent an hour and a half carefully slicing the skin around this tattoo from her arm
Gruesome: Here is the sliver of skin Miss Reynolds sliced off her arm
Gruesome: Here is the sliver of skin Miss Reynolds sliced off her arm
So, taking a scalpel to her arm, she removed tattoo she had done of nickname 'Chopper' and then sent the severed skin to him by post.
Miss Reynolds was shocked when she discovered from friends that Chopper was still in the UK and had allegedly moved in with his new woman. 
It took her an hour and a half to carefully slicing the skin from her arm. She then used a pair of dissection tweezers to peel the skin back. 
Afterwards, the remnants of the tattoo were put in a jar, wrapped up with a bow and sent via recorded delivery to her former lover.
Miss Reynolds even tracked it online so she knew for definite that Chopper, 24, had received it.
Miss Reynolds, originally from Colchester, Essex, said: 'I packaged it up so it really did look like a present. I even used different handwriting so he'd have no idea that it was me. 
'I can't imagine what his reaction was. I wish I could have been there to see it.'
Torz Reynolds went out with her ex-boyfriend, Stuart 'Chopper' May (pictured), here for two years before they broke up
Torz Reynolds' ex-boyfriend, Stuart 'Chopper' May
Torz Reynolds went out with her ex-boyfriend, Stuart 'Chopper' May (pictured), here for two years before they broke up
Miss Reynolds reckons that people take what she did too seriously: 'At the end of the day, it's only skin and it will grow back'
Miss Reynolds reckons that people take what she did too seriously: 'At the end of the day, it's only skin and it will grow back'
With no anaesthetic and using only a bottle of Vasocaine numbing spray to halt the bleeding, Miss Reynolds made a rectangular incision around the tattoo. Afterwards, she used the tweezers to peel back the corners.
'I don't like pain, but the skin coming off was actually quite relaxing. It was the after-pain that hurt the most. It felt like a nasty stinging sensation and putting on clothes was a difficult task,' said Miss Reynolds.
'I'd always planned to send the skin to Chopper. After I had posted it to him, I didn't receive a response from him.
'Removing the tattoo like that was definitely closure. I like to get over things quickly and I always delete someone completely out of my life.'
Miss Reynolds, originally from Colchester, Essex, was shocked to discover from friends that Chopper moved in with a girl that he had been having an affair with
Miss Reynolds, originally from Colchester, Essex, was shocked to discover from friends that Chopper moved in with a girl that he had been having an affair with
Miss Reynolds, a body piercer at the King's Cross Tattoo Parlour, says that Chopper had seemed like 'the perfect boyfriend'. She got the words ‘Chopper's Bitch' tattooed a year into their doomed relationship. 
'Chopper did everything for me, I never had to ask him for anything. I thought he was brilliant and so did all of my friends. 
'I got the tattoo of Choppper's name done as a surprise and he was really proud of it.
The inking was on my forearm so whenever I lifted my pint glass, all his mates would see it and be amazed.' 
However, when Miss Reynolds moved to London in late 2013, Chopper suddenly became distant and stopped answering her calls and messages.
When she finally managed to reach him, Chopper claimed he had got his dream job offer to do pipeline work in Alaska and had been dreading giving the news to Miss Reynolds. 
The couple had a tearful separation, promising to meet up again if he ever returned from Alaska. Miss Reynolds even saw him off at the airport. 
But a few days later, she as told by mutual friends that Chopper had never gone to Alaska. Instead he was still in his hometown of Tiptree, Essex, with the girl he had cheated on Miss Reynolds with for over half a year. 
It was this revelation which prompted Miss Reynolds to forcibly remove her tattoo of Chopper's name and get vengeance on him. 
She explains, 'Posting the tattoo to Chopper sent a clear message. Now he knows never to mess with me again.' 
The macabre act polarized opinion amongst Miss Reynolds's family and friends. Some found it repugnant with certain individuals falling out with her over it. Whilst others have commended Miss Reynolds, expressing a desire to have their own tattoo dedicated to an ex removed. 
Miss Reynolds reckons that people take what she did too seriously: 'At the end of the day, it's only skin and it will grow back.
Stuart 'Chopper' May refused to comment.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2558398/Woman-cuts-tattoo-cheating-ex-boyfriends-scalpel-POSTS-skin-told-emigrating-Alaska-instead-moved-woman.html#ixzz2tF1q0XBa 

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