Δεν πίστευαν στα μάτια τους οι κάτοικοι του Νορθάμπτον στην Αγγλία βλέποντας ότι τα νερά στον ποταμό Κράιμσον έγιναν κατακόκκινα.
«Ήρθε η ώρα της Αποκάλυψης» έγραψαν αρκετοί στα μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης, αντικρίζοντας το ομολογουμένως περίεργο αυτό φαινόμενο.
Τα νερά στο ποτάμι έγιναν κατακόκκινα και κανείς δεν μπορούσε να δώσει μια λογική εξήγηση.
Αυτή την έδωσαν τελικά οι επιστήμονες, οι οποίοι αποφάνθηκαν ότι η μετάλλαξη του χρώματος οφειλόταν σε διαρροή κόκκινης μελάνης εντός του νερού.
Όπως μάλιστα τόνισαν, εκτός από την αλλαγή χρώματος, δεν υπήρξε καμία περιβαλλοντική επίπτωση.
Το θέμα είναι ποιος και γιατί έριξε κόκκινη μελάνι.
An large ink spillage has been identified as the cause of why a river in Northampton turning red.
Following an investigation by the Environment Agency and Anglian Water, it is believed that the waterway near to the A43 in Moulton turned red last Thursday due to a quantity of red ink.
Pep Finn-Scinaldi, aged 28, of Thorplands, took pictures of the watercourse when he saw the water was a deep red colour.
Mr Finn-Scinaldi said he walked along the stream, which runs towards the Round Spinney roundabout, as far as he could and the water was bright red all the way along.
He said: “At first I thought something had died as it looked like blood but when it was all the way along we said it must have been a whale to create that much blood. “It could have been paint but it must have been a hell of a lot of paint to make it that red.”
A spokesman for the Environment Agency said: “We have worked with Anglian Water to trace the source of the red colouration through the surface water drains. “
As a result, we found the source to be a spillage of red ink. “The water has returned to its natural colour and, apart from the discolouration, we do not believe there were any negative environmental effects.”
UK study finds Gaza death toll has been significantly underreported
The number of people killed in Gaza is significantly higher than the figure
reported by authorities in the enclave, a peer-reviewed study by
researchers fr...
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