Δείτε τι συνέβη όταν το Βρετανικό κοινοβούλιο, με απόφασή του απέσυρε τον ..στόλο των αεροσκαφών Harrier από την αεροπορία...
Οι πιλότοι των μαχητικών αεροσκαφών πέταξαν πάνω απο τη Βουλή των Βρετανών σε έναν πραγματικά πολύ εντυπωσιακό αποχαιρετιστήριο αποχαιρετισμό έγραψαν στον ουρανό μια...φράση , στέλνοντας έτσι το δικό τους μήνυμα στη Βρετανική κυβέρνηση...
Apologies for having to use this picture but I think you’ll agree it gives a clear message to the British establishment!.
The greatest insult upon the greatest injury, a defenceless ex-sovereign nation, its resources all plundered and handed to the EU, its soldier’s remains coming back in body-bags from illegal foreign wars started and run by a LibLabCon bunch of communist/fascist traitors.
Here’s what the genocidal eugenicists think of you and your ancestors who fought and died so you could be free, and here’s what they think of your children and grandchildren.
The British government has scrapped the Harrier aircraft fleet and on their farewell formation flypast over the houses of Parliament they gave the government a message.
Look at this carefully………..it is brilliant, and a true example of British Humour!!
Lean back a bit from your computer monitor and squint. Seriously; push your chair back a couple of feet.
My hats off to the lad that was leading this.
[more at sovereignindependent.com...]
Bill Bard says:
“FUCK OFF” written large in the sky. I love it!!!
Power substation explosion in North Fort Worth, Texas - massive fire
triggers voluntary evacuations
A massive fire erupted in North Fort Worth following an explosion at a
power substation on Wednesday evening, prompting voluntary evacuations in
the surrou...
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