Δευτέρα 19 Μαρτίου 2012

Scientists Urge UN to Prepare for Alien Invasion...

Scientists Warn the world of alien invasion.
Scientists say the United Nations needs to form a Supra-Earth division, to prepare the world for alien contact.
Scientists are saying the aliens may not be friendly and we need to prepare.  The scientist comments are from the Philosophical Transactions of  The Royal Society.  They discuss the biology and anatomy aspects as well as how religion would be affected world-wide.
Professor John Zarnecki of the Open University and Dr Martin Dominik of the University of St Andrews agree that chaos can be avoided if there is global cooperation in forming an international political body to head up the job. They agree that a body already exists within the UN, the Committe on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space.
Last year, there was talk in the news about an ambassador being appointed for alien contact within the United Nations. It was not confirmed, nor completely denied.

Simon Conway Morris of Cambridge University asserts that alien worlds are Darwinian and they could have violent tendencies. Ted Peters, professor of systematic theology thinks major world religions would collapse if the world came in contact with aliens. He wrote:
“Because our religious traditions formulated their key beliefs within an ancient world view now out of date, would shocking new knowledge dislodge our pre-modern dogmas?
Are religious believers Earth-centric, so that contact with ET would de-centre and marginalize our sense of self-importance?
Do our traditional religions rank us human beings on top of life’s hierarchy, so if we meet ETI who are smarter than us will we lose our superior rank? If we are created in God’s image, as the biblical traditions teach, will we have to share that divine image with our new neighbors?”
He believes that religion would have to “expand” and include aliens as apart of God’s creation.
Source: Guardian.co.uk
My comment:
I believe governments are preparing to tell the masses that we are to be invaded by aliens and that the world must come together as one as we learn how to adjust to this new ‘reality.”
Remember, just a few weeks ago, NASA said they could “prove” alien life forms exist on earth.
The Vatican has told it’s members that aliens most likely exist and that Catholics can believe in them. Their chief astronomer has stated that aliens may not need redemption and may not have original sin. He said we should consider aliens our “brothers and sisters”. What?! Please stop the train and let me off. The Chief Astronomer also said that we should baptize aliens and that no matter how many tentacles they have, they may have souls.
I believe the Vatican is ahead of the curve on everything alien. They know there will be disclosure and is slowly acclimating the public by coming out making these statements over the past few years.
The bird and fish deaths may eventually be blamed on invisible UFO’s. There is a lot of chatter about this on the internet. I believe that the whole alien agenda will somehow be used to try to collapse Christianity and reduce Christ to an invention of the aliens.  Aliens contacting earth will bring “new technology” to save the environment and Bible-believing Christians will interfere with the “evolution of man and the earth.” This of course is only my opinion on where this could all go.
I know one thing. Aliens, if they exist are demonic. They are not some outer-space phenomena, but rather demonic entities on assignment from Satan. Some say they are the Nephillim discussed in Genesis 6:
Genesis 6: 1-6
“Now it came about, when men began to multiply on the face of the land, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of God (bene Elohim) saw that the daughters of men were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose.”
I don’t know if that is true and it really doesn’t matter. The devil wants control of the earth and wants to be worshiped and he is in the process of setting up his copy-cat kingdom.
Ephesians 6:12
“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.”
If there is breaking news that aliens are invading the earth, know that they are not our brothers, and that come to confuse the minds of men. They come to deny the One True God and His Word and want nothing more than to drag as many people as they can to hell with them.

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