Κυριακή 21 Αυγούστου 2011

Found Two Holes in The Protection of The Earth Magnetic ..

In the Earth’s magnetic field found two huge holes – right over the poles of the planet. Percolate through them cosmic particles that can lead to strong magnetic storms. Scientists try to predict the consequences and look for ways to minimize harm.
In the Earth’s magnetic field found two huge holes – right over the poles of the planet. Percolate through them cosmic particles that can lead to strong magnetic storms. Scientists try to predict the consequences and look for ways to minimize harm.
On passing the San Francisco conference of the American Geophysical Union was read on the state of Earth’s magnetic field. From the words of Jimmy Redera from the University of New Hampshire research satellites NASA Themis recorded two huge holes in the magnetic field above the Earth’s poles.
The magnetosphere is a complex electromagnetic field at a distance of up to three diameters of the Earth from the planet’s surface. Side facing the sun, the magnetosphere forms a hemisphere, and on the opposite side is stretched in the form of the tail.
The natural purpose is to protect the Earth’s magnetosphere from the high-energy cosmic particles, the number of solar wind – streams of plasma ejected from the solar corona. In cases where individual gusts of solar wind break through the magnetosphere, we can observe a phenomenon known as aurora borealis.
Previously it was thought that the greatest penetration of ionized particles in the Earth’s magnetosphere is observed when the magnetic field of our planet and the Sun opposite directions. However, the testimony of satellites to the contrary – in cases where the magnetic fields of both celestial bodies are parallel, the Earth reaches 20 times the solar wind.

The size of the resulting holes is four Earth’s diameter in width and seven – in length. They were formed at the points of contact between the magnetospheres of Earth and the Sun – at this boundary there is an effect of the magnetic “perezmykaniya” when the line fields redistributed.
In the hole formed poured enormous stream of ionized particles. Most of them are reflected back, but many of them recruited in the movement of energy and may cause strong electromagnetic storms. Under the threat was primarily electronic equipment – satellites in Earth orbit and aircraft, which flies in the poles.
At the present time, solar activity is in the lowest point of his 11-year cycle. Peak Electronic storms will be achieved in 2012, which would be an extreme test of strength for both facilities, as well as for living organisms.
Currently, scientists from the University of New Hampshire, led by Dr Lee Venhuey continue to analyze data from satellites, trying to determine how and when will the next “leak” of the solar wind, and how you can minimize the damage.
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